Mmmm…crème de la crème

Wastelands received a rave review from Beam Me Up, a radio show/podcast that focuses, as you might imagine from the name, on SF and fantasy. Here’s a snippet:

I know if you’re like me you view "theme" books with a bit of skepticism. Assembling a collection of any size with only one "type" of story can be daunting. I have often found many of these types of books containing one or a few really top notch stories and the rest relegated to filler. Collections like Ellison’s Dangerous Visions is a shining example of how to do it right. Is Wastelands in that league? Not quite, but DAMN close. […] The tales in Wastelands are the crème de la crème of this genre and for that matter science fiction as a whole.

[Read the rest of the review.]


Damn near as good as the most critically-acclaimed genre anthology, like, ever? I’ll take it!

I’m told the review will also be a part of this weekend’s podcast, which you can listen to (and subscribe to) here.