Archive for February, 2006

Clarion 2006

Cory Doctorow is asking people to spread the word about the upcoming Clarion application deadline.  You can help out by posting an ad like this one on your website:

We’re looking for websites that are willing to help us run the campaign by donating some space to host one of these badges (they’re in two standard sizes, 150×150 and 150×58) in a prominent place between now and the application deadline on April 1. Even if you can only run it for part of the time, or in rotation, we’d appreciate your help.

 For more information, see Cory’s post.

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Trip to Mars

On Thursday, a few friends and I took a trip to Mars for dinner.  It was me, Eugene Myers, Matt Kressel, E!, and Andrea Kail.  While we were there, we made friends with this guy:

This is the bar where the three-breasted women hang out:


It was quite a trip.  And I have to say, Earth cuisine just doesn’t seem as palatable after enjoying those wonderful, exotic Martian dishes.   

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Book Holders?

Does anyone have any experience using a sort of “book holder” thing like the one seen here? As I was googling, I came across several different varieties, but I’d love to get some user testimonials if anyone has used things like this before.

Basically, it’s important to me that the holder won’t ruin the book, and that it’ll be easy to turn the pages. I want to get something like this to make it easier to read while riding my exercise bike. I’ve got a table that I can set stuff on and still ride, but I still have to hold the book open. My table actually works great for reading manuscripts since the pages can lay flat (and the table angle can be adjusted), but for books it’s not so great. I figure a holder might be the answer.

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Holy shit, this bird is totally HARDCORE!!! Don’t believe me? Listen for yourself. What would the Wall Street Journal think of this?

via Scalzi (where I get all my avian death metal news).

UPDATE: In my haste to post about Hatebeak, I neglected to notice that there’s also a hardcore band with two pitbulls as its vocalists. “Caninus is members of Most Precious Blood with two pitbulls (Budgie and Basil) on ‘vocals’.” Most Precious Blood is a real band that I like, but their vocalist is definitely a human. Apparently, Hatebeak’s musicians are also from a real band–Triac–but I’ve never heard of them. Both albums, needless to say, are novelties–they’re not supposed to be serious.

UPDATE 2: And to bring everything in this post full-circle–what we need now, obviously, is for there to be a death metal band fronted by Frank Oz. (If that doesn’t make sense, you need to go read that WSJ article.)

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Design an Alien Game! Be Immortalized in Print!

Lou Anders has announced a new contest related to Mike Resnick’s forthcoming novel, Starship: Pirate.

Now, if you’ll excuse a tiny spoiler, in Starship: Pirate, one of the characters introduces the crew of the Teddy R. to a wildly popular, presumably alien game called “bilsang,” said to be as “a game that makes chess and toprench look like kid’s games.” Mike describes some of the aspects of the game, but leaves the actual rules up to the reader’s imagination.

Now, because I thought it was a pretty nifty idea last time, we are running some fairly extensive appendices in the back of each of the Starship books. And when I came to the passage about bilsang, I thought, what a good appendix a set of bilsang rules would make.

So, that brings us to the contest.

We’re looking for some brilliant, talented gamers with time on their hands to have a go at creating the rules of bilsang. …

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