Camera Obscura: High expectations Burned again

Intergalactic Medicine Show just published the latest installment of Camera Obscura. This time around, I review the DVD of Cigarette Burns (directed by John Carpenter), which is one of the first episodes of the Showtime Masters of Horror series to come out on DVD.

[Excerpt:] I initially loved the premise, but quickly realized that it’s quite derivative The Ring. It also reminded me a lot of Laird Barron’s excellent recent novella “The Imago Sequence” (which was far superior to any work mentioned in this review), though I don’t think the filmmakers could have read it pre-production, so the similarities are almost certainly a coincidence. Though these two factors diminished by admiration for the film somewhat, I still found it to be an enjoyable and laudable viewing experience…even if I did want to do a rewrite on the script so that I could see the film I wished this was.