Interview: James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel

Science Fiction Weekly just published my interview with James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel, which is focused on the release of their new slipstream anthology, Feeling Very Strange. This one’s a full-length Q&A, not one of the short pieces I do for SCI FI Wire.

Here’s an excerpt:

Kessel: I’ve been interested in fiction that bends the genres for a long time, and have tried some of it myself. Ever since Bruce Sterling’s essay of 1989 gave a new name to such fiction, I’ve wondered if it might become a recognizable form. One thing that I wanted to do in the anthology was show some of the writers not normally associated with SF or fantasy who are writing this kind of work. By putting some of their stories next to ones from writers normally associated with genre fiction, like Howard Waldrop and Ted Chiang, I hope that we can see more clearly what slipstream fiction might be. Although part of me objects to trying to take the magic these writers practice and turn it into a mundane genre, another part of me would not mind seeing a “Slipstream” shelf in every bookstore. We could debate which books belong on it and which should absolutely not be allowed to sully it.

Go read it, then come back and tell me how awesome it is.