Countdown to Readercon

I’ll be attending Readercon this year, which is held July 7-9 at the Burlington Mariott, Burlington, Massachusetts.

The programming was announced today. I’m only scheduled for one panel, but I still get in for free, so I have no problem with that. Here’s my panel description:

Sat 12:00 F Everybody Dies
Adams, Disch, Hanger (+M), Lewitt, Meacham, Morrow
There’s a small body of fiction in which all of humanity (or at least every character in the story) dies or is fated to die (Nevil Shute’s On the Beach, James Morrow’s This Is the Way the World Ends), or will die without producing children (Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End). These stories are dramatically different from the much more common tales in which almost everybody dies. What kinds of things can be said in these stories that can’t be said in their less grim cousins?

What about all of you readers out there? Anyone else going? Readercon rules, so if it’s possible for you to make it, you should register now.