Boot Camps for Writers

Waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday was my contributor copy of the 2007 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. In it is my article “Boot Camps for Writers: Whip Your Speculative Fiction Into Shape.” It is, as the title implies, an overview of the various SF writing workshops (Clarion and its ilk). In my humble opinion, I think it’s a good piece, and will serve the NSSWM audience well. It’s pretty comprehensive, and lists all the logistical information (price, length of workshop, starting dates, etc.) for each workshop, which I think would make it easy to compare and contrast them to see which would work best for you.


So, go to your local bookstore and check it out. Hell, buy a copy if you want to (though I don’t get royalties or anything, so I’m not going to beg).