Camera Obscura: Heroes

Intergalactic Medicine Show just published the latest installment of Camera Obscura, in which I review the new NBC superhero drama Heroes.

[Excerpt:] The dream sequence opener was the first clue that Heroes wasn’t exactly going to be full of original thought. The pilot is your standard comic book superhero origin story, given the Unbreakable treatment–which is to say, treated in a more realistic light: no spandex, just people with freaky powers. But its most grievous sin is the characters’ rather uncanny resemblance to the X-Men. Not only because they appear to be mutants, or the next step in human evolution, but also because some of the characters have direct X-Men analogues. For instance, Hiro has the same abilities as Nightcrawler; Claire, Wolverine; Peter, Storm (or any of the other flying X-Men). Stan Lee should consider suing somebody.

Go read the whole review and tell me what you think!