
I’ve never had to buy actual living room furniture before, so I’m not sure how much this stuff should cost. I was browsing this furniture store today, which is going out of business and so has clearance sales, and I found a couple love seats I liked (which is really the only thing I’m looking for). What I really want is a love seat that also has the leg rests that pop up like in a recliner. At this store, they had several of those to choose from, ranging from around $800 for leather models and $600 for fabric models. Is it just me, or does that price seem kind of high for something that’s on clearance? I could be totally off-base, and this might be a good price though; as I said, I have no experience in this realm. Any advice?

I’ve seen inexpensive love seats elsewhere, but none that had the foot rests I want. I’m figuring this love seat will be my primary television-watching seat, so being a comfortable item is muy importante.