Wastelands Online

Today, I’m officially launching the online home of Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse. Visit the site at johnjosephadams.com/wastelands.

If you browse around the site, you’ll find plenty of information about the anthology, the stories, and the contributors.

The ABOUT page provides an overview of the anthology.

The CONTENTS page showcases the anthology’s table of contents. It also serves as a portal to information about each of the stories. There, on each story’s page, you can read the introductory header note for each story. In some cases, you can read excerpts of the stories; in other cases, you can read the entire story online.

The AUTHORS page provides even more information about the authors…in their own words. I conducted brief interviews with several of the contributors to gather some background information about their stories. While I was at it, I also jotted down their thoughts about the appeal of post-apocalyptic fiction, and asked them to name their favorite stories in the sub-genre.

The PUBLICITY page will point the way to reviews and interviews, and any news about public appearances related to the anthology.

The other two pages are self-explanatory: CONTACT provides contact information should you wish to learn more about the anthology; SHOP, meanwhile, points you toward some of the places you can buy Wastelands.

Wastelands is due to be published by Night Shade Books in January 2008. Until then, take a look around.