Unreality TV

Speaking of television, one of the things that really annoyed me about Bionic Woman’s pilot was the accident which causes the Jaime (Bionic Woman) to become bionic. She and her boyfriend are in their car, driving along, when a semi slams into them. The semi impacts with the car on the passenger side (where Jaime was sitting). Now, this truck must have been going 60 MPH or so, and the impact was such that it sent the car tumbling end over end for what appears to be miles. Jaime is severely injured, and ends up losing an eye, an arm and a leg, or something like that, but after watching that accident, I couldn’t believe that anyone could survive that. Forget losing limbs, she’d be paste. Oh, and her boyfriend walks away pretty much unscathed (or at least unscathed enough that he’s well enough to perform her bionic surgery!).

All of which just goes to emphasize that when you’re working with elements of fantasy or science fiction (i.e., things that are not possible), it’s all the more important to make the mundane, everyday stuff believable. I’m gladly willing to suspend my disbelief, but only so far.