DVD Review: Fido (2007)

image Do yourself a favor and check out this movie called Fido (now on DVD). Basically, it’s what you’d get if you mashed up Leave It to Beaver and Night of the Living Dead. In the 50s there’s some kind of space germ that turns the dead into zombies, resulting in a zombie war. A company called Zomcon develops technologies and strategies for beating back the zombie hordes so people can live in peace again. There are vast areas of land known as the "Wild Zone"–desolate wastelands where the zombies roam free. An oasis in that wilderness is the town of Willard, which is a sort of perfect, utopian piece of suburbia. The town is made possible by the perimeter fence that keeps the zombies out. Or the wild zombies anyway. See, some scientist developed a collar that allows you to control zombies. Put it around their neck, and you can stifle their impulse to consume human flesh. It also makes them receptive to commands, so they become a sort of slave, doing menial tasks no one else wants to do. The movie’s about a boy whose family gets their first zombie, who he names Fido.

It’s good stuff. A good, solid story, with just the right amount of humor. Pretty good performances all around, and some nice, subtle social commentary. Highly recommended.