Bookslut on Wastelands: Not Cohesive Enough!

Blythe Boyer over at Bookslut reviewed Wastelands. She didn’t seem to like it much–or rather she liked about half of it, but feels "Wastelands ultimately fails as a collection because its editor did not allow a cohesive philosophy to guide his choices for the collection." Ouch. Oh well, they can’t all be rave reviews. She does say some nice things about the anthology, however, and quite liked several of the stories.

I admit to being puzzled as to how someone could not only dislike Dale Bailey’s story, but dislike it so much. I thought that was great, and was one of the first stories I thought of when assembling the book. But to each her own.

One (irrelevant) error in the review: 28 Days Later (zombies) was not based on Day of the Triffids, (carnivorous plants), though the opening sequence kind of rips it off. (Or is an homage, as we like to say.)