Free Business Cards

bus card2 If anyone’s in the market for business cards, Overnight Prints is having a sale. Or rather, they’re giving away business cards. If it’s the same deal as the one I used late last year, you get a $10 discount, and so if you buy 100 cards for $9.95, they’re free (though you’ll pay shipping). If you want to take advantage of the offer, use the coupon code "NEWYEAR08" (without the quotes) when you check out.

I ordered some business cards for Wastelands from this place, and I was very happy with them. They’ve been quite well received too–which is the effect you’re looking for when you’re using business cards as a promotional tool. The colors all turned out well, and the card stock they use is nice and thick–not the flimsy stuff a lot of these online printers use.

I just took a JPG of the book’s cover and in the black area below the byline, I added some additional information, because the aspect ratio of the cover and the card was not exactly the same, so there was some blank space down at one end of the card (which I just filled in with black). Over the blank black area, I added (in white text) the release date, the publisher, the ISBN, the price, and the website’s URL. Everything someone really needs to know to learn more about the book. And, through the book’s website, people can figure out how to get in touch with me if they don’t know how to already. (And if you know name and can’t figure out how to get in touch with me via email, I’m not sure I want to get in touch. My contact info ain’t hard to find.)

I liked them so much, I just ordered some new ones, with slightly altered text from my original. (See left.) I find it hard to give out regular business cards with just my name and contact info on it, but this I find easier to dispense, since the subject comes up pretty often, and it gives me a perfect excuse to pull out a card.