Son of Zombie Robot

Pursuant to my earlier blog post about whether or not Robocop would be considered a zombie robot, screenwriter and friend-of-the-blog Sam Hamm got me an answer directly from the source: Robocop co-screenwriter Ed Neumeier. Sam says: “[Ed] said that Peter Weller was legally dead before he was transformed into Robocop, so he should count, by your definition, as a zombie robot.” Ah-ha! Victory is mine!

I should point out, however, that Mr. Neumeier thinks the term “zombie cyborg” would be more accurate, which, in all fairness, is totally true. Still, zombie cyborg doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, and since the Terminator is called a cyborg when in fact it is just a robot, I feel perfectly justified in continuing to think of and refer to Robocop as a zombie robot.