INTERVIEW: Feature Interview with Me in LOCUS!

In the March 2017 issue of LOCUS, there’s a long feature interview with yours truly, in which I discuss my origins as an editor, editing my first anthologies, launching Lightspeed and John Joseph Adams Books, and all manner of things. (Surprisingly, I somehow got through the whole thing without once mentioning death metal.) If you’d like to check it out, you’ll need to buy the issue, but they’ve got some extended excerpts up on their website. To investigate either option, visit

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INTERVIEW: JJA on The Once & Future Podcast

Anton Strout interviewed me for episode 78 of The Once & Future Podcast, which he describes thusly:

Wherein I talk with award winning editor/anthologist John Joseph Adams about a deep love of the post-apocalyptic, how we’d be the first ones dead, military fantasy, BREAKING ANTHOLOGY NEWS FROM SAGA PRESS, the neuroses of authors, Viking and folk metal, his Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast, and the 743 anthologies he has releasing this year.

It was a fun interview! Give it a listen.

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NEWS: Myke Cole, Weston Ochse, and I Discuss OPERATION ARCANA on the Latest Episode of The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy

Myke Cole, Weston Ochse, and I discuss OPERATION ARCANA on the latest episode of The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy:

Fantasy books are full of epic battles like the Battle of Helm’s Deep from Lord of the Rings. And for most fans just reading about such battles is enough, but some fans go further, enlisting in the military in order to live out real-life adventures. One of them is Weston Ochse, a thirty-year military vet who still works with the military, traveling regularly to warzones in countries like Afghanistan. He traces his yearning for adventure back to reading The Hobbit as a child.

“That desire was definitely inculcated by the idea that one lone hobbit can make a difference,” Ochse says in Episode 143 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “And if one lone hobbit can make a difference, then this poor guy from Tennessee can make a difference too. So absolutely it was inspirational.”

Read the article and/or listen to the whole episode over at [read | listen]

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INTERVIEW: SF Signal on Wastelands 2

SF Signal interviews me about Wastelands 2:

What do you especially enjoy about editing anthologies, and what kinds of special problems do anthologies present (i.e. choosing stories, contacting authors, winnowing, etc.)?

JJA: When I’m doing a reprint anthology like Wastelands 2, I enjoy being a curator, and it’s a responsibility I take very seriously. When you read one of my anthologies, I want it to be clear that much more went into it than just slapping the first X number of stories I found between two covers; when I do a reprint volume, I really try to search far and wide, and cast as wide a net as possible to ensure that I included all of the best material on the given topic that is available. I read everything you so you don’t have to; “Trust me,” I say, “I’ve conducted an extensive survey of the field, and these are all the stories on this particular theme that you need to read.”

Read the whole thing at SF Signal!

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