August 2006 Acquisitions

Although it’s been a busy month, we’ve still managed to make some acquisitions (though it must be noted, we bought our stories this month pre-slush bomb; I always wait to post them until the end of the month to make sure all the authors have received their contracts already). Okay, so, we’ve got: a new tale full of literary references by Daryl Gregory; a new one from one of my slush survivors, Donald Mead; a SFnal relationship tale from K. D. Wentworth; a historical fantasy from Sean McMullen; a fab new lit’ry fantasy from M. Rickert; a big long, bad-ass music novella by Lucius Shepard; and after too long an absence, John Langan returns to our pages–all I can say about it is, “Holy Apocalypse, Batman! This story’s awesome.”